Bbc radio widget
Bbc radio widget


Rather than opting for the first option and potentially contributing to software bloat and code duplication, I chose the second option.Īs a significant proportion of podcasters use the Blubrry PowerPress plugin to power their their website’s podcasting system I decided to use the audio player options from within that plugin. This involved either including a player within my own code, or cross linking to an audio player from another plugin. In writing this plugin the key issue that I encountered was the embedding of a suitable audio player.

bbc radio widget

IMPORTANT NOTE: This widget will only function correctly if you have the Blubrry PowerPress plugin installed and are using that plugin to handle your podcasts! Download the latest version of the Blubrry PowerPress plugin. Latest version: Download Featured Podcast Widget v1.0.2 Easily styled via your theme’s CSS stylesheet.Featured image of podcast’s post automatically displayed.Show a summary of the podcast episode from the WordPress excerpt field.Display featured podcast by latest episode from a post category.As no immediately obvious solution presented itself I decided to write a simple WordPress plugin myself to perform this task. This widget was born from my frustration of wanting a summary of my latest podcast episode with an embedded audio player on the homepage of my blog.

bbc radio widget

Underneath the excerpt is an embedded audio player enabling you to play the podcast episode directly from within the widget. The widget displays the title of your podcast episode, the post’s “ featured” image and excerpt, together with a link through to the podcast’s post. The Featured Podcast Widget is a WordPress plugin that enables you to display your latest podcast from a given post category (or a specific episode) in any widgetized area of your WordPress site.

Bbc radio widget